So for the last couple of weeks Cayden has been telling us that he keeps coming to the wrong family after school and it is so bad that one night he was actually crying because he went home with the wrong family and his family was probably missing him. So every day when I get him from school, first thing out of his mouth when we are driving off is 'Yep, they put me in the wrong car again!!!!' Geez, I thought he had a good life here. So anyways, on Monday, one of the teachers was putting him in the car, and while he has never said anything to anyone but us, he looks at her and asks, 'Why do y'all keep putting me in the wrong car everyday?' I about died. Thank goodness she knew he belonged to me, but it made me think, what if she didn't. We are supposed to go to Arizona in December to see our friends, and in carline, I got a little scared thinking, what if he pulls that at the airport????? We could have issues!!!! So friends please answer your phones in case I am hauled away for taking some random kid with me. Anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't take more kids then I have too, but the TSA may not be aware of that!!! Haha. Just not sure what I am going to do with him!

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