Wednesday, July 31, 2013
My God is big, so mighty and strong........
There's nothing my God can not do! This song was sung in children's church this week and Cayden sang it all do on Sunday....Yes I said Cayden! My kid who doesn't like most anything but music really isn't his thing. Sometimes he really can cause me to go bananas with his dislike for almost everything, sports, school, and just whatever else he isn't interested in. But Sunday to hear him not only singing but singing a song he learned at church really made me smile. And it also was an appropriate song for him to be singing since getting him to sing and a church song no less is nothing but a God thing. He is also doing a first grade jump start program this week at school. When I told him he said he wasn't going because that sounded boring. Too bad for him, he doesn't get a choice. So day one, I go to pick him up and ask him how he likes it and he says, 'It was fun, but I am not coming back!' So last night, Mark and I were in the living room talking and he walks in, flicks his hand and lets us know by the way he is quitting this school thing. My response was well by the way, you are 6 and you don't make the rules! Today again he says he likes it, but he still plans on quitting. Well he only goes 2 more days, so I plan on telling him he can quit on Thursday. That way he goes all four days and he feels like he won since he got to quit. I see that as a win win! But really he is gonna be the death of me, because he is so stubborn and so creative that he can always find ways that sound really convincing why he can't or shouldn't do something. It is almost fun just to see what comes out of his mouth, because you truly never know what it will be. As I am typing this he is over talking to Mark trying to tell him why he shouldn't have to go back to school tomorrow......I forgot to mention that he is very persistant! He was mad at me the other day and he told Mark that he was moving away, Mark asked where and he said to Dot and Fred's(my aunt and uncle and that is Cayden's favorite place to go), so he asked me if he could call her because he needed to ask her something, apparently he didn't know I heard the conversation between him and Mark. He calls and not once mentions moving there. haha. Guess he didn't want me to hear him and I was sitting right there. Sad thing is I think if I gave him an option, he would actually probably go live with them. I am so blessed that they are in my family's life, and glad they live close enough for us to visit when we can, it is like having another set of grandparents!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Super Heroes
Yesterday on my way to work I saw this shiny lime green colored sports car, and because sometimes my mind is sort of random, here was my thought process....'That reminds me of Green Hornet, hum wonder what it would be like for Super Heroes just to be driving around' From there it dawned on me....there are super heroes everywhere. So maybe they don't wear capes, or drive the bat mobile or fly through the sky, the kind of super heroes that came to mind are the ones who put their lives on the line to protect others they may not even know. Heroes like Police, Firemen, Military, and even teachers came to mind. Sad thing is most of them do it not for the money(because none of them get paid near enough) but because they have a heart to be there for others. In this day and time, even being a teacher isn't safe. I am glad for all the teachers and staff at my kids school, because I feel they are in a safe enviornment and while nothing will protect them 100% from the evils of the world, I believe they are going to be safe there each day.
One day Kennedy said to me, 'Mom, I wanna either be a policeman or teacher when I grow up'. While I would be so proud of whatever she does with her life, and I would love for her to be either one of those, that is very scary to think how dangerous both of those professions are. But I know God has a plan for her and will keep her safe no matter what. I think her love of police came from the officer who used to come to her school and took a personal interest in the kids of College Street Elementary at such a young age, and he genuinely cared about those kids and took time to make them feel special. For that I will always be thankful. Some kids never get to see the good side of the police sad to say. Even though he has moved on to another school she still talks about him often.
Also very thankful for the Military who protect my freedoms and everyone elses. As bad as this country is some times, where would we be without those guys.
Anyway, I know this was all sort of random just something I had on my mind since yesterday seeing that lime green car which led to heroes which led to this post. Have a good day and God Bless!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Just Random Stuff!
So, it's Spring Break and I am on vacation with no plans(well there were plans, but not set in stone, so they will get done or NOT!). Kennedy has been to softball camp two days, and she is really enjoying that. She was the only girl on the first day and was excited to let me know that she was the only person, yeah out of all the boys, to get all excellents on her day's report. Not only was she the only one, but one of the coaches made sure to let the boys know that. She was digging the shout out for sure! I am so excited for softball season to start, it gets kind of boring without games to go to. Seems like so long ago she started playing softball, below is a pic from her very first season at 5, she is now going on season 10!

Now Cayden on the other hand is excited that we have nothing really going on, because then he gets to hang out in his pjs all day which is absolutely his favorite thing to do. And when I say his favorite, I am not kidding. Every day here is our conversation, Cayden-We going anywhere today? Me-No Cayden-WHOO HOO I don't have to get dressed. And by the way, he has to have on matching pjs, he can't/won't wear bottoms of one set with the top of another, THEY HAVE TO MATCH! I know it's odd, but he's insistant they match.
My kids are so different like night and day.....Kennedy loves to do any extra activity we/she has time for. So besides Softball, she is in Church Choir, Leader in training at Church, she will be joing swim team over the summer, and now her new thing she wants to try is archery. Thanks to her uncle Brent she just got a bow and hopefully will be taking some lessons soon. The difference between her and Cayden is that she actually tries and follows through with the things she asked to do, Cayden on the other hand quits everything, that he just has to do. Soccer, out, TBall, out, Karate, out......Needless to say, I will not be wasting any more money on him. Karate lasted about 3 classes, why you ask.....He didn't realize he wouldn't be leading the class apparently, and when he realized someone other than him would be teaching the class, he didn't wanna go anymore! Go figure, they didn't want a kid who learned karate from Phineas and Ferb the Chinese episode(yes that is where he told a friend that he learned his moves) teaching the class! I love that kid and it is never dull with him around.
Now our spring break was gonna be filled with a trip to Arizona to see our very good friends, but that kind of fell through. We really miss them and a trip out there would have been tons of fun, but it just didn't work out. This is a pic from when we went in December. It was really cold on that look out. While there we also went to an old mining town and Cayden still tries to get me to go drop him off there, he loved that place.
Well, I really didn't have a reason for the post, just hadn't done one in a while so thought I would.(really I haven't done one because I got frustrated with not being able to load pictures, but that is now working so I will try and do one more often)
Take care.....Kim

Now Cayden on the other hand is excited that we have nothing really going on, because then he gets to hang out in his pjs all day which is absolutely his favorite thing to do. And when I say his favorite, I am not kidding. Every day here is our conversation, Cayden-We going anywhere today? Me-No Cayden-WHOO HOO I don't have to get dressed. And by the way, he has to have on matching pjs, he can't/won't wear bottoms of one set with the top of another, THEY HAVE TO MATCH! I know it's odd, but he's insistant they match.
My kids are so different like night and day.....Kennedy loves to do any extra activity we/she has time for. So besides Softball, she is in Church Choir, Leader in training at Church, she will be joing swim team over the summer, and now her new thing she wants to try is archery. Thanks to her uncle Brent she just got a bow and hopefully will be taking some lessons soon. The difference between her and Cayden is that she actually tries and follows through with the things she asked to do, Cayden on the other hand quits everything, that he just has to do. Soccer, out, TBall, out, Karate, out......Needless to say, I will not be wasting any more money on him. Karate lasted about 3 classes, why you ask.....He didn't realize he wouldn't be leading the class apparently, and when he realized someone other than him would be teaching the class, he didn't wanna go anymore! Go figure, they didn't want a kid who learned karate from Phineas and Ferb the Chinese episode(yes that is where he told a friend that he learned his moves) teaching the class! I love that kid and it is never dull with him around.
Now our spring break was gonna be filled with a trip to Arizona to see our very good friends, but that kind of fell through. We really miss them and a trip out there would have been tons of fun, but it just didn't work out. This is a pic from when we went in December. It was really cold on that look out. While there we also went to an old mining town and Cayden still tries to get me to go drop him off there, he loved that place.
Well, I really didn't have a reason for the post, just hadn't done one in a while so thought I would.(really I haven't done one because I got frustrated with not being able to load pictures, but that is now working so I will try and do one more often)
Take care.....Kim
Saturday, January 12, 2013
WOW 10 years already????
So this was supposed to be posted on Monday and was supposed to have pictures in it, but for some reason my pictures wouldn't post so it will have to be late and pictureless.....haha. 3/13/13-Got the picture thing to work so I am adding them now.
So, January 7, 2003 was a day that would forever change my life... At 1:48 in the afternoon my sweet Kennedy came into this world and our lives were forever changed! The pregnancy seemed to take forever with sickness daily up until the day she was born, I remember my doctor being called for jury duty the day before and he asked to push back the induction one day which was fine with me. However, as I was sick that morning and I say outloud to Mark, 'Oh my I am so glad this is the last day of this!' Of course in typical husband fashion, his response was, 'Well maybe not what if he gets called back for today too?' At that point I could have slapped him..... So we get no call saying it was postponed and off to the hospital we go. One good thing is that the labor and delivery couldn't have been easier. We had a lot of family there which was a blessing.
Kennedy has been such a blessing and she has always been a joy to be around. She is beautiful inside and out and loves to be around people. She is a true friend who is very loyal! Some of her favorite things are Church, Softball,hunting, school, and being with her friends.
Now don't get me wrong, she has plenty of attitude and sometimes thinks she runs the show, but what girl doesn't at some point, RIGHT? She also likes to aggravate her brother, which is sometimes very annoying to her dad and I.
Speaking of her dad, he couldn't have asked for a bigger daddy's girl and whatever he likes, she likes. She will go hunting anytime he lets her and she actually shot her first deer this year, which made her so happy(not to mention she shot one before her dad so she thinks she is now a better hunter...haha)
I can't wait to see what the many years to come has in store!!!!
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