Yesterday on my way to work I saw this shiny lime green colored sports car, and because sometimes my mind is sort of random, here was my thought process....'That reminds me of Green Hornet, hum wonder what it would be like for Super Heroes just to be driving around' From there it dawned on me....there are super heroes everywhere. So maybe they don't wear capes, or drive the bat mobile or fly through the sky, the kind of super heroes that came to mind are the ones who put their lives on the line to protect others they may not even know. Heroes like Police, Firemen, Military, and even teachers came to mind. Sad thing is most of them do it not for the money(because none of them get paid near enough) but because they have a heart to be there for others. In this day and time, even being a teacher isn't safe. I am glad for all the teachers and staff at my kids school, because I feel they are in a safe enviornment and while nothing will protect them 100% from the evils of the world, I believe they are going to be safe there each day.
One day Kennedy said to me, 'Mom, I wanna either be a policeman or teacher when I grow up'. While I would be so proud of whatever she does with her life, and I would love for her to be either one of those, that is very scary to think how dangerous both of those professions are. But I know God has a plan for her and will keep her safe no matter what. I think her love of police came from the officer who used to come to her school and took a personal interest in the kids of College Street Elementary at such a young age, and he genuinely cared about those kids and took time to make them feel special. For that I will always be thankful. Some kids never get to see the good side of the police sad to say. Even though he has moved on to another school she still talks about him often.
Also very thankful for the Military who protect my freedoms and everyone elses. As bad as this country is some times, where would we be without those guys.
Anyway, I know this was all sort of random just something I had on my mind since yesterday seeing that lime green car which led to heroes which led to this post. Have a good day and God Bless!
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